San Antonio Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

If you’re looking for the best divorce lawyer in San Antonio, TX, the Law Office Of Steven C. Benke is the right firm to approach. We are an experienced, innovative firm that provides our clients with advice and services on a wide array of legal issues. We understand that a divorce is an emotionally challenging legal matter that requires a knowledgeable and detail-oriented approach that only an experienced family law attorney can provide. We have helped countless San Antonio area clients get through perhaps the most difficult time in their lives.

Our firm will discuss the issues that have caused you to seek legal advice during a divorce lawyer consultation, and we can prepare you both financially and emotionally for seeking a divorce. We treat each case uniquely and customize our divorce, separation, and family law advice to suit your needs. Every divorce is different, and every client is unique. We have someone on our team for everyone. Whether you need a men’s divorce lawyer, an aggressive divorce lawyer, or a lawyer who specializes in mediation and dispute resolution, we have you covered. If your divorce is particularly contentious, you may need an aggressive divorce attorney to represent your interests, but, even in uncontested divorces, lawyers at our firm work zealously with clients to achieve amicable settlements. By definition, all divorce involves some level of conflict. We’re here to help you navigate through the conflict to a place of peace on the other side. Our job is to get you to those solutions so you, your ex-spouse, and your children can start the next chapter of your lives.

Finding a good divorce lawyer is easy when you call The Law Office Of Steve C. Benke.

We Keep Working For You After The Ruling

Our legal representation does not end when your divorce becomes final. At The Law Office Of Steven C. Benke, we will enforce all court orders, including custody agreements, protective orders and any other upcoming issues that relate to your family’s well-being. We have the competence and qualifications to complete Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) necessary to receive any pension benefits agreed or ordered. After your divorce is final and your agreement is in place, you will have our continuing legal support.

San Antonio Divorce Lawyer

At The Law Office Of Steven C. Benke, we appear on behalf of our clients at all family court proceedings. As circumstances change, child support or child arrangements may have to be revisited. One divorced spouse may find a professional opportunity in another state, requiring a hearing on relocation. We have over two decades of experience dealing with everything from no contest divorce to military divorces. We can help clients with custody and visitation schedule here in San Antonio or on military bases throughout the world.

Divorce has significant personal, financial, and emotional impacts, whether the issues involved are contested or uncontested. We provide honest, straightforward legal advice and representation to clients seeking a divorce. For a free consultation on how we can help with your divorce, give us a call at 210-308-0004!

Filing For Divorce In San Antonio

Divorce is scary and stressful for a number of reasons. Certainly, the dissolution of a marriage is rarely an easy decision, and it is usually accompanied by feelings of doubt, fear and stress. Additionally, there is quite a bit of paperwork involved with filing for divorce in Texas. At The Law Office Of Steven C. Benke, we specialize in Texas divorce law. As a result, we have a strong understanding of how this process works.

If you have been thinking about filing for divorce in the state of Texas, you probably have many questions about the paperwork that you will need to file. What follows is a quick overview of the paperwork that you will need.

Forms For The Spouse Initiating The Divorce

The Original Petition For Divorce: The original petition for divorce form is the document that “gets the ball rolling” on the divorce process. When people say that they “filed for divorce” they are referring to this form in particular.

The Vital Statistics Form: This form is required any time there is a lawsuit that affects any family relationship.

The Out-Of-State Party Affidavit: This form is only required if you, your spouse, or any other involved party lives outside the state of Texas.

Forms For The Other Spouse

Waiver of Service or Answer: If you are the spouse who is not filing the initial petition for divorce, you will have two options. You can fill out a waiver of service or an answer. A waiver of service indicates to the court that you are waiving all rights and privileges in the divorce. An answer indicates to the court that you contest some of the information on the initial petition for divorce. The issues of contention will be discussed in court.

Out-Of-State Party Affidavit: This form is only required if you, your spouse, or any other involved party lives outside the state of Texas.

Forms For The Judge

Final Decree Of Divorce: This is the paperwork that finalizes your divorce.

Income Withholding For Support Order: In the event that either party will receive spousal or child support, you will need to fill out the income withholding for support order.

Along the way, there may be additional paperwork for you to fill out involving assets or specific details of your children’s custody. At The Law Office Of Steven C. Benke, we will be with you at every step of your divorce process so that you can get your divorce as quickly and easily as possible. When you need an experienced Divorce Attorney is San Antonio, call The Law Office Of Steve C. Benke.

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